Heat and Electricity
Some of these resources require a referral. Single Stop is recognized as a referral partner.
- Action for Boston Community Development, Inc. - 617-357-6000
- American Red Cross of Massachusetts Bay - 617-375-0700
- Bay State Gas - 800-882-5454
- Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program – To apply, call toll free 1-877-JOE-4-OIL (1-877-563-4645)) - Low-cost home heating oil for poor and elderly households
- City of Cambridge, Department of Human Services - 617-349-6252
- Community Action Agency of Somerville, Inc. - 617-623-7370
- Community Action Programs Inter-City, Inc. - 617-884-6130
- Energy Bucks - 1-866-537-7267
- Low Income Energy Assistance Program (LIEAP) - 800-632-8175
- Massachusetts Association for Community Action - 617-357-6086
- Oil Heat - Visit the Green Energy Consumers Alliance website or call 617-524-3950, or call the Comfort Crafted Oil Buying Network at 1-800-649-7473
- Quincy Community Action Programs, Inc. - 617-479-8181
- Salvation Army’s Massachusetts Good Neighbor Energy Fund - 1-800-262-1320
- Emergency energy assistance for Massachusetts residents, United Way - Call 211
- Utility Providers will provide DISCOUNTS if you are income-eligible - contact them directly to inquire and/or go to their website