A Message from the 2024-2025 SGA
“We are the Student Government Association. We have been elected by you, from among you. We are your voice and represent your interests to the college administration. We strive for the following: to advocate for the rights of all students; to recognize, promote, and fund student clubs and organizations; to guarantee student participation in the determination of official policies; and last, to serve as a forum for students’ ideas and opinions.”
The Student Association Officers for the 2024-2025 Academic Year are:
Student Trustee: Javkhlan “Jay” Batsaikhan
Serves as a full voting member of the Bunker Hill Community College Board of Trustees, the policy making body of the college. The Board of Trustees defines the relationship of the college to the communities it serves. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
SGA President: Ariel Gustowski
Chairs the Executive Board meetings, sets agendas, does not vote unless to break a tie. Also, appoints students representative onto College-wide committees. Acts as spokesperson for the organization. Maintains weekly office hours in Student Activities. Meets with the President of Bunker Hill Community College one or more times a semester. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Vice President of Administration and Finance: Zakaria Kantou
Oversees all administrative issues concerning the SGA. Handles all financial obligations of the association (is de facto treasurer). Chairs the Student Budget Committee. Is acting President, when President is unable to attend meetings. Maintains weekly office hours in Student Activities. Provides monthly updated budget updates to the SGA. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Vice President of Academic Affairs: Benji Peralte
Acts as liaison to all issues pertaining to student academic involvement. SGA liaison pertaining to issues of academic support services, and to The Tutoring and Academic Support Center. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Vice President of Student Affairs: Jamie Santos Torres
Acts as liaison between all clubs and organizations and the SGA. Acts as liaison to all issues pertaining to student life at the College. Facilitates monthly meetings with the Student Club Representative Council. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Vice President of Technology: James Roberts
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, ensures the smooth and efficient functioning of the SGA's technology and digital resources; maintains and manages SGA Microsoft Teams, Sharepoint, and email, ensuring that these digital resources are up-to-date and used effectively by SGA members; manages the technology committee by serving as the chairperson; and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Maintains weekly office hours in the SGA Office.
Vice President of Human Resources: Dakota Beck
Acts as parliamentarian for the SGA. Coordinate elections, appointment processes, and help fill vacant positions. Coordinates recruitment and training activities for the SGA. Handles all constitutional amendment issues. Acts as liaison for all student concerns pertaining to facilities. Maintains weekly office hours in Student Activities. Facilitates the successful transition from one SGA to the other.
Vice President of Communications: Mii "June" Okamoto
Handles all publicity and public relations activities for the SGA. Liaison with student and College news/media organizations and offices. Responsible for promoting and advertising all events, news, and projects of the SGA. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Executive Secretary: Spencer Paradis-Fichtner
Takes minutes of SGA meetings. Works alongside the SGA President in creating the weekly agenda and minutes. Distributes the meeting minutes to SGA Officers and guests. Keeps and maintains lists of membership of committees. Maintains weekly office hours at SGA Office.
Senator-at-Large: Maureen Glynn
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Senator-at-Large: Rasheed Laborde
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Senator-at-Large: Arman Mustafa
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Senator-at-Large: Stephanie Nabisere
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Senator-at-Large: Tenzin Sherap
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Senator-at-Large: Alexandra "Alex" Tenady
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
Senator-at-Large for the Chelsea Campus: David Senatillaka
Attends SGA meetings, participates in SGA and College-wide committee meetings, and assists SGA Vice Presidents with tasks. Represents the Chelsea student campus voice and advocates for the Chelsea Community. Maintains weekly office hours at the SGA Office.
In addition to attending weekly meetings, officers of the SGA serve on a variety of College committees, including:
- Academic Affairs Committee
- Communications Committee
- Curriculum Committee
- Facilities, Health, Safety and Sustainability Advisory Committee
- General Education Standards Committee
- Governance Committee
- Library Committee
- Planning and Innovation Committee
- Professional Development Committee
- Student Services Committee
- Technology Committee