Bunker Hill Community College welcomes international visitors seeking to develop and expand collaboration and exchange opportunities with members of our community.
Visits are managed through the International Center in consultation with the Office of Academic and Student Affairs. The International Center will consult with administrative and academic leadership as appropriate to determine whether Bunker Hill Community College is able to support the requested visit, and respond to your request within 10 business days.
To expedite the process we ask that you submit the official request form at least 20 business days prior to your visit. You may direct specific questions to Doni Casula, Director of the International Center at donna.casula@bhcc.edu
BHCC faculty and staff members hosting international visitors are encouraged to contact the International Center at ext. 2461 for advice on matters or protocol and logistics.
Download the Delegations and Official Visits Form - PDF
Download the Delegations and Official Visits Form - Microsoft Word .docx format
**Please note that the International Center does not make travel and accommodations arrangements for visitors.