What is the Commonwealth Commitment?
Through the Commonwealth Commitment, you could lower the cost of your bachelor's degree by as much as 49% by starting your studies at BHCC. It's the smart way to earn your degree!
You commit to:
- Beginning at BHCC, or any of Massachusetts’ Community Colleges
- Enrolling in an approved MassTransfer pathway
- Completing your associate degree within 2 1/2 years
- Transferring to one of Massachusetts’ State Universities
- Completing bachelor’s degree within 2 more years
- Maintaining full-time, continuous enrollment in at least 12 credits per semester and a cumulative 3.0 GPA throughout the program
We commit to:
- Freezing your tuition & fees for all four years upon entry into the Commonwealth Commitment program, until you graduate or leave the program.
- This means that if you enter the program in Fall 2018, you'll lock in the Fall 2018 tuition rates at BHCC and at the four-year institution where you transfer.
- Reducing your tuition & mandatory fees by an average of $5,090 over four years through:
- A 10% rebate off tuition & mandatory fees, payable via check at the end of every successfully completed semester
- An additional MassTransfer tuition credit once you enroll in your bachelor’s program
What pathways are available?
For Transfer to Most State Universities & UMass Campuses
- Art (Fine Arts, Graphic Design)
- Biology
- Business
- Chemistry
- Communications & Media Studies
- Computer Science
- Criminal Justice
- Education
- Economics
- Elementary Education
- Engineering (Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical)
- English
- History
- Liberal Arts
- Mathematics
- Political Science
- Psychology
- Sociology
- STEM Natural/Physical Sciences
For Transfer to Massachusetts College of Art & Design
- Painting
- Printing
- Sculpture
For Transfer to Massachusetts Maritime Academy
- Emergency Management
- Marine Safety & Environmental Protection
- Energy Systems Engineering
- Facilities Engineering
- International Maritime Business
How Do I know if Commonwealth Commitment is a good fit for me?
Ask yourself the following questions:
- Am I a Massachusetts resident eligible for In-State Tuition?
- Have I received a high school diploma, or equivalent?
- Am I a matriculated student (enrolled in a degree program)?
- Have I completed fewer than 15 college credits (including developmental)?
- Am I planning to study in one of the Pathway Programs listed above and transfer to a Massachusetts State University or UMass for my Bachelor's as a full-time day student?
- Am I able to go to school full time (12-15 credits/semester), completing my associate degree in 2.5 years?
- Can I maintain a GPA of 3.0?
If you answered "yes" or "I'm not sure" to any of the above questions, join us for a Transfer: Planning & Applying Workshop - see the Commonwealth Commitment Workshops and Information Sessions calendar on the right side of this page for available sessions to learn more.
Ready to apply? Follow the application instructions on the Apply Now page. Once completed, you can upload your form and request more information on how to sign up. You will be contacted by an advisor to schedule a mandatory information session to go over your options and map out the right MassTransfer Pathway for you.