Welcome to the Division of Academic Support and College Pathway Programs!
The Division of Academic Support and College Pathway Programs (ASCPP) provides effective,dynamic and student-centered services designed to guide and support the process of achieving academic and personal success. ASCPP strives to achieve this through three primary avenues: 1) academic success services, 2) individualized learning opportunities and 3) college pathway programs.
Each student is a unique learner and the Division is dedicated to working collectively to meet the individual needs of students, working toward an asset-based, equity-minded, respectful, and supportive learning environment, which enhances the classroom experience and values the diversity of the College community.
The Division of Academic Support and College Pathway Programs offers a number of unique programs and services.
Academic Support Services
- College Connection - Academic and intrusive advising service available to students enrolled in select English and reading sections
- Language Lab - Multimedia lab designed to assist BHCC students to improve language skills
- HOPE Initiative - Program designed to examine and eliminate the social, institutional, and academic barriers that often prevent males of color from achieving their full potential at BHCC and beyond
- TRIO Student Success Program - Federally-funded program that provides personalized academic advising and encouragement to students who are first-generation, income-eligible, or individuals who have a documented disability
Individualized Learning Opportunities
- Boston Welcome Back Center - Assist people who were nurses in other countries become registered nurses in MA
- Center for Self-Directed Learning - A flexible program of guided self-study courses for those students who are comfortable working in a non-traditional setting
College Pathway Programs
- Community Based Initiatives - Partnerships with community organizations and community-based Instructional Centers
- High School Partnerships - Dual Enrollment, Early College, Gateway to College
- Instructional Centers
- Summer Transition Program - For new students to progress through developmental levels prior to fall entry
The Division also supports the work of several grant-funded programs, housed at BHCC: