Bunker Hill Community College Ranks 12th in Boston Business Journals 2018 Book of Lists

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

For the seventh consecutive year, Bunker Hill Community College (BHCC) was named one of “The Largest Colleges & Universities in Massachusetts” by the Boston Business Journal (BBJ). The list appeared within the publication’s 2018 Book of Lists, an annual data report highlighting the fastest-growing and most dynamic companies and professionals in Greater Boston and across Massachusetts.

BHCC placed 12th on the BBJ list, ahead of such institutions as Suffolk and Bentley Universities. BHCC is also the largest of the 15 community colleges in the Commonwealth.

The College’s Learn and Earn Internship Program partners were also well-represented across the book’s industry-specific lists. Seven of the program’s 18 corporate partners were placed on the book’s top 50 “Largest Employers in Massachusetts” list including Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, State Street and Liberty Mutual Investments.

“Community colleges must continue to be innovative to address the declining enrollment we are seeing,” says BHCC President Pam Eddinger. “Experiential education opportunities at prestigious Greater Boston companies are attractive to prospective students, and are critical in preparing students for today’s workforce.”

Launched in 2012, BHCC’s Learn and Earn program allows students the opportunity to interview for paid internships at leading Boston companies. Now it its sixth year, the program has placed 500 students in internships since its launch in 2012. Learn more at bhcc.edu/learnandearn

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