Temporary Databases and Database Trials

1. World Politics Review - Available until June 30. 2025. World Politics Review is a journalistic database that provides in depth analysis of the issues impacting every corner of the world.

Civil War Black Freedom Button https://blackfreedom.proquest.com - Temporary Resource. From ProQuest. The site features over 2,000 curated primary-source documents related to critical people and events in African American history. Our intention is to support a wide range of students, independent researchers and anyone interested in learning more about the foundation of ongoing racial injustice in the U.S. – and the fights against it. 

3. Coronavirus Research Database - Temporary Database. From ProQuest. Including coverage of the COVID-19 outbreak, this database curates openly available content related to coronaviruses. It includes thousands of open-access articles from the world’s leading publishers as well as current research from pre-print repositories such as arXiv and will continue to grow and evolve as more is learned about the pandemic. 



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Fall and Intersession Hours

Email: BHCCLibrary@bhcc.edu 

Phone: 617-228-2213

Charlestown Campus, N-Building, 3rd Floor, N-300

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