Basic English Language Learning

Interested in learning more about our English Language programs? Attend a Start Now event dedicated to students seeking to learn English! Speak to an advisor about which program is right for you and complete an application and assessment (if needed) all on the same day. Register for one of the events at the link below:

Register for Start Now for English Language Programs

Information about Start Now sessions:

BELL offerings are non-credit courses intended for students with limited knowledge of the English language who wish to improve their skills.

If your goal is to earn to advance at work, start to improve your English skills, or pursue a certificate or degree at Bunker Hill Community College in the future, the Basic English Language Learning program is for you!

Visit Admissions and Recruitment for pre-enrollment counseling.

  • Step 1: Complete a BHCC Guest application. If you need assistance with this, visit Student Central in Charlestown.
  • Step 2: Complete the ELL Guided Self-Placement (GSP) survey in the Assessment Center. You can also take it from home with your BHCC ID (received in your Acceptance Letter approximately 48 hours after applying).  

We have many English language learning programs at BHCC. This is an important survey to help you confirm which English Language program is right for you based on your current English level.

If you self-select BELL or the GSP recommends you for placement into BELL classes, continue to Steps 3 and 4.

  • Step 3: Go to the Assessment Center in person or schedule your placement test through this link. Choose the BELL Assessment.
  • Step 4: Use your test result to self-register for your English level at the appropriate link below once the links are available. Click here for placement reference.

You can also visit the Chelsea campus (70 Everett Ave. Chelsea, 3rd Floor) for assistance with registering for your class after completing the above steps. In Charlestown, Student Central can guide you to a kiosk where you can self-register.

If you have questions about registering, contact for more information.

If you need to speak with a Workforce advisor, please e-mail

Refund policy: All refunds are subject to a 3% administrative processing fee

  • Prior to class start and up to one week after class start: Full refund minus 3% administrative processing fee.
  • 1 week after class start (2 class meetings): No refund. Seat transfer to another level or next term only.
  • 2 weeks after class start (4 class meetings): No refund or seat transfer.
  • Please make sure to attend class on the first day and request any changes within the above deadlines.

Basic Language Literacy BLL-001E-M1 M/W 9:00AM-10:50 AMBLL-001E

This introductory course is for non-native speakers who want to begin learning English.

SectionDatesDays and TimesLocationInstructorFeeRegister
BLL-001E-M1Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Charlestown CampusRobyn Belair$419
BLL-001E-M2Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Chelsea CampusShirlyne Pierre-Rene$419
BLL-001E-M3Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusMaria Esther Gomez$419
BLL-001E-S1Jan 27 - May 17
Saturday at 8:15-11:55 a.m.
Charlestown CampusChristian Sorensen$419
BLL-001E-T1Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusMaria Esther Gomez$419
BLL-001E-T2Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Chelsea CampusCharlene Douglas$419

Basic English Language Learning LEVEL 1 BEL-001E-02 M/W 9:00AM-10:50AMBEL-001E

This Level 1 class provides the foundation for the four primary skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Related skills such as vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, meaning and usage will also be covered.

SectionDatesDays and TimesLocationInstructorFeeRegister
BEL-001E-02Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Charlestown CampusCharlene Douglas$419
BEL-001E-01Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Chelsea CampusChristian Sorensen$419
BEL-001E-T1Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusPhilomena Benedict$419
BEL-001E-S1Jan 27 - May 17
Saturday at 12-3:40 p.m.
Charlestown CampusChristian Sorensen$419
BEL-001E-M2Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusTBA$419
BEL-001E-M1Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusPhilomena Benedict$419
BEL-001E-04Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Chelsea CampusTBA$419
BEL-001E-03Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusKimberly Osborne$419

Basic English Language Learning 2 BEL-002E-04 W/F 9:00AM-10:50AMBEL-002E

This Level 2 class will offer an integrated-skills approach to learning English. Students will read longer articles, discuss them in groups, answer comprehension questions and write paragraphs and short essays as well as practice listening and speaking skills.

SectionDatesDays and TimesLocationInstructorFeeRegister
BEL-002E-04Jan 27 - May 17
Wednesday, Friday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Charlestown CampusAnthony Duva$419
BEL-002E-T2Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Charlestown CampusGerard Teichman$419
BEL-002E-T1Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 6-7:50 p.m.
RemoteKurt Odenwald$419
BEL-002E-S1Jan 27 - May 17
Saturday at 12-3:40 p.m.
Chelsea CampusRhoda Serafim$419
BEL-002E-M1Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusKristi Talagan$419
BEL-002E-03Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m.
Chelsea CampusOlena Davis$419
BEL-002E-02Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusElynn Finkelstein$419
BEL-002E-01Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Charlestown CampusAnthony Duva$419

Basic English Language Learning BEL-003E-02 T/TH 8AM-9:50AMBEL-003E

This Level 3 class offers an integrated-skills approach to learning English. Students will read longer articles and make short presentations. They will further develop their English language proficiency in grammar and vocabulary through reading, writing and discussion in the context of varying themes.

SectionDatesDays and TimesLocationInstructorFeeRegister
BEL-003E-02Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 8-9:50 a.m.
RemoteRobyn Belair$419
BEL-003E-S1Jan 27 - May 17
Saturday at 8:15-11:55 a.m.
Chelsea CampusRhoda Serafim$419
BEL-003E-M2Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusTBA$419
BEL-003E-M1Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusSusan Olsen$419
BEL-003E-30Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusTBA$419
BEL-003E-05Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Chelsea CampusPaul Donohoe$419
BEL-003E-03Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 11 a.m.-12:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusAnthony Duva$419
BEL-003E-01Jan 27 - May 17
Wednesday, Friday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Charlestown CampusChristian Sorensen$419
BEL-003E-C1Jan 27 - May 17
Wednesday, Friday at 4-5:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusTBA$419

Basic English Language Learning 4 BEL-004-S1 S 12PM-3:40PMBEL-004E

The emphasis in Basic ESL classes is on preparing students for Academic ESL. This Level 3 class, the last level before Academic ESL, continues to develop the four primary skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Related skills such as vocabulary, spelling, pronunciation, meaning and usage will also be covered. This integrated-skills approach to learning English helps students to interact naturally in the language. Students will read articles of considerable length, discuss them in groups, answer comprehension questions and write paragraphs and longer essays about the articles. Students will also make short presentations to the class. Articles will be related to the theme of education in the U.S., and BHCC in particular. Students will further develop their English language proficiency in grammar and vocabulary through reading, writing, and discussion in the context of the theme.

SectionDatesDays and TimesLocationInstructorFeeRegister
BEL-004E-S1Jan 27 - May 17
Saturday at 12-3:40 p.m.
Charlestown CampusPaul Donohoe$419
BEL-004E-M1Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 9-10:50 a.m.
RemoteKurt Odenwald$419
BEL-004E-C2Jan 27 - May 17
Wednesday, Friday at 9-10:50 a.m.
BEL-004E-C1Jan 27 - May 17
Wednesday, Friday at 4-5:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusTBA$419
BEL-004E-11Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 9-10:50 a.m.
RemoteDmitriy Nikolayev$419
BEL-004E-03Jan 27 - May 17
Tuesday, Thursday at 9-10:50 a.m.
Chelsea CampusOlena Davis$419
BEL-004E-02Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusTBA$419
BEL-004E-01Jan 27 - May 17
Monday, Wednesday at 6-7:50 p.m.
Charlestown CampusTBA$419

Sonia Sharma
Administrative Assistant, Division of Workforce and Economic Development
Chelsea Campus, Room 339  |  617-228-2462

Office Hours (On-campus and Remote)
Monday-Friday: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m