Current Mission and Purpose of the Human Services Program
The department’s mission statement and goals state two primary purposes.
These are:
- To provide knowledge, training and skill development for persons interested in working in the area of social services with specific educational opportunities for those interested in early childhood development, human services, and education.
- To serve the community in client advocacy, case management, and as an agent of social service practice, students gain specific expertise and knowledge in human services, addiction, substance abuse counseling, ethics, and counseling techniques.
The department will meet these purposes for the student in Human Services Programs by pursuing four goals.
These include:
- To provide a program of study which will develop sufficient student competence so that graduates might enter directly into entry level positions assuming responsibility in the field of social services and casework with participants in human services.
- To provide a program of study which will prepare graduates for upper-division collegiate work in a four year program which upon completion will lead to increased responsibility in social service programs dealing with a myriad of human services within the community.
- To provide a program of study which will upgrade the skills and knowledge-base of persons currently working the field of social services, increasing their competence in their professional activities.
- To participate in community activities in social services by collaboration with community organizations and professionals working in the areas of social services.
The current activity of the Human Services Program clearly fits into these purposes and goals. The catalog states that the study of Human Services is intended to prepare students as paraprofessionals in careers that direct the delivery of services to people. Careers include social welfare, mental health, community development, public administration, youth work, elder care, family counseling, homemaking programs, and recreational youth programs in a diverse variety of social service community organizations.
The A.S. degree and the Certificate Options allow students to enter direct line work in Human Services organizations immediately after graduation. In the A.S. program, students may transfer their credits with ease to a bachelor’s level program at many four-year colleges or universities with majors of social services and many other related areas of study.